From an early age my mind conjured up many strange dreams and stories, probably inspired by Jack Wild in H.R. Pufnstuf and other weird 70’s T.V. programmes.
The yearning to break away from the hum drum life of the Cash and Carry lead me to write songs inspired by Bowie, Osterberg and Reed. I was never a great songwriter and painful rejections by some of the big labels cut me deep.
After 8 years of gigging with my band and basically bankrupting myself through purchasing equipment, booking studios and having a way better time than I actually deserved… I threw in the towel for some hard-earned regular cash.
“Writing this book has been a journey, and I hope if my children take anything from my work, it will be that anything is possible and never give up on your dreams”
Over the next twenty years; I drove a van; became a bingo caller; performed in a club version of the Rocky Horror show; I joined the Royal Marines Reserve; played for a semi-professional football team; ran countless Marathons, raced in both the Sahara Desert (50°C) and the Arctic (-40°C).
I was never a big reader, but I was always drawn to the tragedy of war and the suffering it causes. I performed poorly in School, but taught myself how to express my ideas through many hours of hard work. Writing this book has been a journey, and I hope if my children take anything from my work, it will be that anything is possible and never give up on your dreams.